Thursday 13 August 2015



Soursop, jackfruit Dutch, or durian Netherlands (Annona muricata L.) is a useful plant from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. In various regions of Indonesia known as sebrang jackfruit, jackfruit lye (Java), Walanda jackfruit, soursop (Sunda), jackfruit buris,  sugar apple Java (Bali), boh Lona (Aceh), Durio ulondro (Nias), durian betawi (Minangkabau), "Nangko Belando" (Palembnag). The mention of "Dutch" and variations indicate that the soursop (from Dutch: Zuurzak, meaning "sour sac") imported by the Dutch East Indies colonial government to archipelago, namely in the 19th century, although it did not come from Europe.

 Soursop fruit is not a true fruit, which is quite large in size up to 20-30 cm with a weight of 2.5 kg. Called "fruit" is actually a collection of fruits (fruit aggregate) with a single seed that coincide and lost boundaries between pieces. Soursop fruit flesh is white and has black seeds. The fruit is often used as raw material for juice drinks and ice cream. Soursop fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates, especially fructose. The content of other nutrients are vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 are quite a lot. The seeds are toxic, and can be used as a natural insecticide, as well as sugar apple seeds.

 Benefits of Soursop Leaves For Treatment
  1.  Treat a variety of cancers (cervical cancer, breast, prostate, colon, lungs and others). Soursop leaves efficacious overcome 7 cancer cells. Soursop leaves that have been neglected turns efficacious suppress cancer cells, because it contains active compounds Acetogenins. Acetogenins disrupt circulation of cancer cells by reducing the amount of ATP. This makes the compounds in soursop leaf is considered selective and choose only the cancer cells to be attacked. Not only effective, Acetogenins too powerful, a research proves that the leaves of the soursop kills cancer cells colon up to 10,000 times stronger than Adriamycin and chemotherapy.
  2.  Adding immunity and prevent gout
  3.  For men soursop leaf to increase the number and strengthen sperm
  4.  Eliminate free radicals
History Behind the Benefits of Soursop Leaf

 The Dutch who first brought the seeds or seedlings of soursop to Indonesia, although these plants asliny not from Europe but from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Annona muricata L Latin name of this plant include plants that have strong roots, able to produce healthy fruit. Privilege in this plant lies in the extraordinary leaves. As already known soursop leaf is extraordinary that is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria, helps inhibit gene mutations, helps inhibit the growth of viruses, helps inhibit the development of parasite, helps inhibit the growth of tumors, help merileksasi muscle, as an anti-seizure, help relieve pain, able to suppress inflammation, lower blood sugar levels, reduce fever, high blood pressure, strengthens the nerves, helps nourish the heart, helps increase milk production in the pregnancy, helps dilate blood vessels, kills worms parasait, reduces stress, strengthens digestion and increase appetite.